Sunday, August 7, 2011

#101: Holding hands up

It's a sunny day.  You're walking through the park with your parents on either side.  You give a little skip in your Stride Rites because life is just so good.  Look...there's a duck!  And look...a playground!  Some things are new and scary, sure, but you feel safe all the same.  Why?  Because you're holding hands...up.

Most of us have passed the age at which holding hands involves lifting your elbow above your head.  Most of us will never again experience the joy of being able to swing between Mom and Dad, hang with your entire body weight as you drag your feet at the end of a long trip to the mall, or hold on to just a pinkie with your entire fist.  But if you think back hard enough, the moment is there--when holding hands didn't mean interlocking clammy fingers in a movie theater, or letting your arm dangle by your side as you walk down the street.  Holding hands happened UP.  And that's just...


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