Sunday, August 28, 2011

#99 Being prepared

There's something about being prepared that just feels good.  Maybe you're going camping and remembered to bring both a headlamp AND a flashlight, in case one goes dead.  Maybe you're a Boy Scout, and being ready is just a way of life.  Or maybe you're on the East Coast with a hurricane by the name of Irene barreling toward you, and you've not only stocked up on dry food and water but moved the vase off your windowsill and bought a book you've been meaning to read for all those hours trapped indoors.

It's a terrible feeling to reach your destination and realize, with a sinking in your stomach, that you've forgotten something important.  It's no fun to be caught in the rain without an umbrella, or in the woods without bug spray, or at the end of a Saturday night without your wallet.  We all have these moments, and always will.  But we still have the other moments--those exquisite, shining jewels when you get to the beach and everyone has forgotten sunscreen but you.  "I've got it," you say.  "I'm prepared."


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